Wednesday 30 January 2013

24. Photos of The Chequers 1960's Rhodesia

Here are some photographs of The Chequers rock band from the 1960's.

We played regularly at the Uni...

                                                                University 1962/3
     L. to R. me (John) Jack & Alan

Also played lunchtime sessions at the Punch did get busier...honest.

                                    The Punch Bowl Hotel 1961/2
Verlaine singing

...okay so maybe it didn't!!!

           The Punch Bowl Hotel 1961/2


                                                           Kamfinsa 1962/63
                                          outdoor stage

We used to play every Sunday afternoon at the Kamfinsa Hotel...pack up grab something to eat then head off to the Kenya Coffee Lounge for the regular Sunday evening gig.

Me, Hodge, Jack, Alan and Lea

                                                           University 1962/3
Hodge and Alan ...77 Sunset Strip...Lea's head is just visible above the amp

The Kenya Coffee Lounge. We played every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Nights and Sunday evenings.


Jack, me and Lea at the Callies Club just before we turned pro and headed down south

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