Sunday 6 January 2013

1. In the beginning...the Chequers...a Rhodesian rock band in the 1960's

               The Chequers taken from the LP cover of Bundu Beat

What follows is a true story...albeit a slightly embellished ‘true’ story, from arguably the most exciting decade of the last century, the nineteen sixties. Actually, it’s not really a story at all, well not in the true sense of the word; it’s rather a hotchpotch  – a veritable smorgasbord of fragmented recollections and anecdotes which for the last fifty odd years have been consigned to my memory bank...and as in recent years my memory bank has started going the same way as the rest of the world’s financial sector, down the proverbial Swanee, I felt it only prudent if I was ever going to document it, I'd better get started before my memory bank lost all its remaining deposits and ceased trading altogether. So here we go... The next post and all others should segue seamlessly...well that's the intention.

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