Sunday 3 February 2013

27. Alan leaves and Mac re-joins the fold...with a bit of Butch inbetween.

When Alan announced he would be leaving the Chequers and moving down to Cape Town with his folks, it was something of a double whammy.  Not only was he a really good bass player but a really good friend. 

Choice was limited and we ended up recruiting ex Belairs bassist by the name of 'Butch' Bennet. Butch didn't remain in The Chequers for very long. I seem to remember he was always having aggro with Barry Taylor of Barry’s Music fame because he didn't keep up with his HP instalments. Barry Taylor kept repossessing his gear... so we never knew when Butch turned up for a session if he'd have anything to play with... it may not be altogether accurate but that’s how I remember it. 

Anyway on one particular night for some reason or other Butch didn't make it to the session and Lea muttered to Mac something along the lines of, “Why the hell don’t you play bass, Mac?”... and that's exactly what Mac did - well exactly what Mac ended up doing. 

You have to understand that Mac was always at our sessions, driving the combi van, helping to carry the gear, getting the bands drinks, dancing with our girlfriends. I’m guessing Mac was just waiting for the opportunity to join the band. The “Why the hell don’t you play bass, Mac?” wasn't exactly an invitation to join but it was as good as, as far as Mac was concerned. The very next day he went out and bought himself a Fender Precision bass...(this is someone who didn't play bass remember)... 

...a Vox transistor bass amp... a tailor to knock him up a pair of fake leather trousers... 

 ...and a jerkin...

...oh yeah, and he signed himself up for a super crash course on how to play bass guitar. 

...Within a week Mac was a fully fledged, paid up, card carrying member of The Chequers.

There is an amazing coda to this story. Soon after Max joined...I’m talking weeks...we entered the Rhodesian Rock Band Contest ...'rookie' Mac got a lot of grief from the other bands...but low and behold 'new boy on the block' Mac won Best Bass Player and put a number of noses out of joint . 

I'm sure I'm right in saying no money changed hands with the judged.

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