Saturday 23 February 2013

40. Our combi is possessed...what goes around comes around.

The saying ‘what goes round comes around’ impacted directly on us.  I have to say when Lea and I scared the B’Jesus out of our mate with our 'haunted car routine' (Blog 19) never in a million years did I ever think that a few years later in Cape Town we would fall victim to the same 'ghostly paranormal activity' in our combi.

It all started when we were driving over to the Grand Prix in the combi for a band rehearsal. We were making our way along Beach Road to Sea Point when Lea suddenly sat bolt upright and told everyone to ‘ssssh’ as he had heard a ghostly voice. Mac pulled over to the curb and switched off the engine. We sat there listening for a voice but all that could be heard was the sound of passing traffic. We waited for Lea to crack up but he didn’t. He was serious – convinced he had heard a voice in the combi. We waited a couple of minutes but hearing nothing we continued to the Grand Prix. We had just pulled up outside the club when we all heard a voice mumble something...we looked at each other in astonishment... there was no doubt about it a phantom voice mumbled something in Afrikaans...and it was coming from somewhere in the back. We got out and trooped round to the back of the combi and opened the back door. There under a pile of clothes, amp covers and cymbal covers was a bearded man.

Unbeknown to us the bearded man, a saxophone player down on his luck, who had been sleeping rough in a cave somewhere on the lower reaches of table mountain had taken to sleeping in our Combi. It turned out that Billy had bumped into the said musician, felt sorry for him and Billy, being a kindly soul, suggested the could crash in the back of the band Combi. He had taken up nightly residence in the back of the combi for a week or so before we finally discovered him that morning.

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